I’ve created several over the years. I initially used Flash, and migrated over to After Effects. Super Golden Friends is my most viral moment.
Super Golden Friends
This is an animated short that has received over 10 million hits on Facebook and YouTube, and been re-posted on Towleroad, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Slate, Pinterest, among others. It was also seen on G4 television, and appeared in AM New York, Next Magazine and in the bullseye of Entertainment Weekly magazine.
The Espresso Mike Show
I took an online animation class from Sessions School of Design, and this was my class final project. We were given a soundtrack, and had to create a storyline around it.
Sunday, Easter Sunday
I designed these characters for the non-profit Children for Children. I wanted to create an Easter themed story that could be told without words.
Shining Goldilocks
I took an After Effects class at FIT, and that started me on the path of creating this Kubrick homage.